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US interference in Hong Kong affairs intolerable

 By Ren Yu
A series of large-scale demonstrations have broken out in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) since June, and quite a number of them have gone far beyond peaceful protests, causing outrageous violence and disruptions.

The radical demonstrators besieged and stormed into the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong SAR, vandalized facilities, and insulted the national flag and emblem, and the regional emblem of the Hong Kong SAR.

The radical forces also attacked journalists and travelers, and assaulted police officers. The violent acts have severely undermined the rule of law, disrupted social order, and hurt Hong Kong’s economy and people’s well-being, as well as the city’s global image.

Such vicious acts have blatantly challenged the authority of the central government, touched the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems," and underestimated the strong determination of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, including the Hong Kong compatriots, to safeguard the country’s national unity and territory and sovereignty integrity.

Some US politicians played a role behind the escalation of the Hong Kong violent incidents. They made irresponsible remarks on Hong Kong affairs, called white black and trampled on international rules and the conscience of mankind.

They called the violent demonstrations in Hong Kong “a beautiful sight to behold”, described the violent crimes as efforts to pursue human rights and freedom, frequently met with anti-China rioters, lodged groundless accusations against the central government and the Hong Kong SAR government, incited violence and confrontation, and openly supported illegal forces.

Such acts of meddling in Hong Kong affairs are flagrant interference in China’s internal affairs, an infringement of the international law and norms in international relations, and obvious hegemonism. It is exactly under the support of certain US politicians that the radical and opposition forces have grown more hostile.

Hong Kong is a part of China and its fate is closely tied to its motherland. In the past 22 years since Hong Kong’s return to China, the “one country, two systems” framework has been widely acknowledged as a successful practice in Hong Kong. Last year, the gross domestic product in Hong Kong reached $360 billion, over twice of the 1996 figure. The number of visitors to Hong Kong soared to more than 65 million, over six times that of 1997.
Hong Kong has been recognized as a global center of finance, trade and shipping. It ranks among the top in the world by various economic and social development indicators. With the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong will embrace new development opportunities.

Hong Kong’s future lies only with China, as British scholar Martin Jacques noted. China’s fast and sustained development has provided valuable opportunities, inexhaustible driving force and vast space for Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s future depends on fully and faithfully implementing the principle of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law, actively participating in the country’s development and sharing the development outcomes.

Stopping violence and restoring social order meets the expectation of people. Certain evil-minded people in the US played dirty tricks, but the fact will prove that their attempt to ruin China and roil Hong Kong will in no way succeed.

The Chinese government and the Chinese people have the confidence and capability to firmly safeguard national sovereignty, security and unity and protect Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. Any acts that challenge the bottom line of the “one country, two systems” principle will never be tolerated.

(Source: People’s Daily)

US interference in Hong Kong affairs intolerable Reviewed by PEOPLES MAIL on 04:30 Rating: 5

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